
Stallworth To Serve Thirty Days In Jail For DWI Manslaughter Charge

Donte Stallworth, the Cleveland Browns star wide receiver, began serving a 30 day jail term this week in Miami, Florida after his guilty plea to DWI manslaughter in connection with the death of 59 year old construction worker Mario Reyes. On March 14, 2009, after a night of drinking at Miami’s Fountainebleau Hotel, Stallworth drove his 2005 Bentley while intoxicated, striking Mr. Reyes, who had just finished his shift as a crane operator and was attempting to catch a bus near the hotel. Stallworth stopped his vehicle after the crash and admitted to officers that he had struck Mr. Reyes. Stallworth’s blood alcohol content (BAC) was determined to be .126, well in excess of Florida’s .08 limit.

After his release from jail, Stallworth must complete two years of house arrest, (which will allow him to continue his NFL career) and be on probation for eight years. In addition to the 30 day jail sentence, Stallworth must undergo drug and alcohol testing, will have a lifetime suspension of his driver’s license, and must perform 1,000 hours of community service. Had Stallworth gone to trial on the charges and lost, he faced up to 15 years in jail. Apparently, after five years, Mr. Stallworth may have an opportunity to obtain a conditional license to drive to and from work if he successfully complies with all conditions of his sentence and has no other charges. Reportedly, Mr. Stallworth has also worked out a financial settlement with the Reyes family.

Contact the Criminal Defense lawyers at the White Plains, New York Law Office Of Mark A. Siesel online or toll free at (914) 428-7386 for a free consultation if you or a loved one has been charged with a crime in New York

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